Assurance: builds the buyer’s trust and confidence in your ability to deliver, implement, produce and/or provide the benefits.
Does the Proposal:
1. Assure the buyer that proposing organization has qualified, experienced, and competent leadership and staff?
2. Provide adequate specifications and/or benefits that substantiate ability and capability statements?
3. Present techniques, methodologies, or processes for assuring quality performance?
4. Concisely and adequately define project or implementation roles and responsibilities?
5. Clearly identify and define all fees, prices, and expenses for completing the project?
Tangibles: enhance and support the communication of your message and invite readership by its overall appearance, content, and organization.
Does the Proposal:
1. Provide a logical flow of information, ideas and sense of continuity for solving buyer’s business problems?
2. Convert the intangible elements of the solutions or strategies into tangible?
3. Demonstrate high standards for excellence in format, structure, grammar, spelling, and appearance?
4. Provide positive indicators to differentiate the proposing organization from their competition?
5. Contain a letter of transmittal, executive summary, needs and benefits analysis, company description, and the pricing and sales agreement?