Although the Malaysian food processing industry plays a significant role to the Malaysian economy growth
(Ahmed, 2012), statistical report by Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM, 2013) have shown that most of the
firms in this industry were experiencing unsatisfactory performance that subsequently, have urged them to close down
their businesses. The above situation could be due to supply chain performance problem and this notion could be
espoused by a study conducted by Tukamuhabwa (2011) who revealed that most firms in the study collapsed which
resulted from supply chain performance problem. Therefore, supply chain integration as a source of competitive
advantage should not be denied by researcher and should be considered as a strategic weapon in the Malaysian food
processing industry. Unfortunately, the production and distribution system in the food supply chain industry in
Malaysia has been segregated (Mohezar & Mohd Nor, 2014) and low of integration between the two entities has led
to the deterioration of operational performance. Therefore, this study adopts the understanding that the supply chain
relational factor may act as enabler factors which may facilitate the execution of supply chain integration in the
processing industry in Malaysia.