Top 10 Advantages of Drinking Water for Health cs 8% Nobody can imagine survival without water. Water is one of the most important requirements of all the living beings. But is it only a need for our survival? Is water beneficial apart from being a necessity?
Although water is a tasteless liquid having no color or odor, it is vital to our health. About 60-75 % of human body consists of water. Water performs many functions in the human body such as it transports nutrients and oxygen into cells, aids metabolism, helps in detoxification, moisturizes the air in lungs, helps organs to properly absorb the nutrients, regulates body temperature, protects the body organs, moisturizes our joints etc. Thus, we can understand the importance of water for maintaining a healthy body.
Many doctors advise that every individual must drink at least eight glasses of water a day. If one drinks less water, there are chances of dehydration which may lead to problems like constipation, headache (even migraine), fatigue etc. Thus, drinking water is essential for leading a healthy lifestyle.
Here are the advantages of drinking water for your health.