The intervention group included all future fathers and
mothers assigned in EG. The women completed all the
questionnaires, the men completed questionnaires only
concerning relationship. Both signed the formal consent.
Of the 220 couples initially selected to participate, 184
were included (CG = 92 and EG = 92) and 36 were
excluded for the following reasons: miscarriage (n = 4),
high-risk pregnancies with special medical protocol
(n = 9), family violence (n = 5), decided to stop their
participation (n = 6), and migrated to another country
(n = 12). Between T1 and T2, there were 37 attritions: 13
explained and 24 unexplained. Due to causes beyond
control, 21 envelopes with completed questionnaires
were lost in the mail. In addition, seven questionnaires
were rejected because they were not completed correctly.
Of 147 reportedly completed questionnaires, 127 were
analyzed (Figure 1). Global losses were higher from the
CG than the EG: 36% (34) versus 25% (23) respectively
ParticipantsThe intervention group included all future fathers andmothers assigned in EG. The women completed all thequestionnaires, the men completed questionnaires onlyconcerning relationship. Both signed the formal consent.Of the 220 couples initially selected to participate, 184were included (CG = 92 and EG = 92) and 36 wereexcluded for the following reasons: miscarriage (n = 4),high-risk pregnancies with special medical protocol(n = 9), family violence (n = 5), decided to stop theirparticipation (n = 6), and migrated to another country(n = 12). Between T1 and T2, there were 37 attritions: 13explained and 24 unexplained. Due to causes beyondcontrol, 21 envelopes with completed questionnaireswere lost in the mail. In addition, seven questionnaireswere rejected because they were not completed correctly.Of 147 reportedly completed questionnaires, 127 wereanalyzed (Figure 1). Global losses were higher from theCG than the EG: 36% (34) versus 25% (23) respectively
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