This study aimed to evaluate the effect of addition of hydrocolloids, viz. carboxymethyl
cellulose (CMC), sodium alginate (SA) and pectin, on cloud of the litchi
juice. Among the three hydrocolloids, addition of pectin did not show a significant
effect on the cloud stability whereas incorporation of 0.3% CMC and 0.2% SA
had a profound influence on cloud stability of the litchi juice. Total solids, total
soluble solids, specific gravity, viscosity and turbidity increased significantly in the
juice containing hydrocolloids. This study has shown that the cloud retention
during storage was maximum in juice containing CMC while addition of SA led
to a partial settlement of the cloud, whereas in the control samples (where no
hydrocolloid was added) it showed complete settlement.
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of addition of hydrocolloids, viz. carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), sodium alginate (SA) and pectin, on cloud of the litchijuice. Among the three hydrocolloids, addition of pectin did not show a significanteffect on the cloud stability whereas incorporation of 0.3% CMC and 0.2% SAhad a profound influence on cloud stability of the litchi juice. Total solids, totalsoluble solids, specific gravity, viscosity and turbidity increased significantly in thejuice containing hydrocolloids. This study has shown that the cloud retentionduring storage was maximum in juice containing CMC while addition of SA ledto a partial settlement of the cloud, whereas in the control samples (where nohydrocolloid was added) it showed complete settlement.
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