1. Create and Manage Worksheets and Workbooks
1.1. Create Worksheets and Workbooks
1.1.1. Creating new blank workbooks
1.1.2. Creating new workbooks using templates
1.1.3. Importing files
1.1.4. Opening non-native files directly in Excel
1.1.5. Adding worksheets to existing workbooks
1.1.6. Copying and moving worksheets
1.2. Navigate through Worksheets and Workbooks
1.2.1. Searching for data within a workbook
1.2.2. Inserting hyperlinks
1.2.3. Changing worksheet order
1.2.4. Using Go To
1.2.5. Using Name Box
1.3. Format Worksheets and Workbooks
1.3.1. Changing worksheet tab color
1.3.2. Modifying page setup
1.3.3. Inserting and deleting columns and rows
1.3.4. Changing workbook themes
1.3.5. Adjusting row height and column width
1.3.6. Inserting watermarks
1.3.7. Inserting headers and footers
1.3.8. Setting data validation
1.4. Customize Options and Views for Worksheets and Workbooks
1.4.1. Hiding worksheets
1.4.2. Hiding columns and rows
1.4.3. Customizing the Quick Access toolbar
1.4.4. Customizing the Ribbon
1.4.5. Managing macro security
1.4.6. Changing workbook views
1.4.7. Recording simple macros
1.4.8. Adding values to workbook properties
1.4.9. Using zoom
1.4.10. Displaying formulas
1.4.11. Freezing panes
1.4.12. Assigning shortcut keys
1.4.13. Splitting the window
1.5. Configure Worksheets and Workbooks to Print or Save
1.5.1. Setting a print area
1.5.2. Saving workbooks in alternate file formats
1.5.3. Printing individual worksheets
1.5.4. Setting print scaling
1.5.5. Repeating headers and footers,
1.5.6. Maintaining backward compatibility
1.5.7. Configuring workbooks to print
1.5.8. Saving files to remote locations