In this study, the application of modern technology of
augmented reality (AR) is combined with ever popular Flow
Theory and situation learning to provide immersive digital
learning environment for English language learners (ELLs).
Similar to the purpose of creating English Villages, this study
aims at creating an AR English classroom in order for
conscious and subconscious learning to occur within a joyful,
pleasant setting. The major differences between the English
Village and the AR English classroom lie on the much less
budget and much more potentiality.
When a government is trying to build more English
Villages for engaging students to learn English, the budget
becomes a major concern. How many different types of scenes
should be included? How many foreign staff would be
required, and how about their salary? Moreover, how many
students can use the facility at the same time? And how
frequently a student can use the amazing facility? These
questions could all be easily solved as long as our ideal AR
English Classroom model completes. Not only can it provide
seemingly authentic English learning environment without
spending enormous amount of money, but also can the content
be reproduced and modified by different instructors under
various conditions.