The percentage of orders meeting delivery performance with complete and accurate documentation
and no delivery damage. Components include all items and quantities on-time using the customer's
definition of on-time, and documentation - packing slips, bills of lading, invoices, etc.
[Total Perfect Orders] / [Total Number of Orders] x 100%
Note, an Order is Perfect if the individual line items making up that order are all perfect.
The Perfect Order Fulfillment calculation is based on the performance of each Level 2 component of
the order line to be calculated (product & quantity, date & time & Customer, documentation and
condition). For an order line to be perfect, all of the individual components must be perfect.
• An order is considered perfect if the products ordered are the products provided and the
quantities ordered match the quantities provided (% In Full).
• A delivery is considered perfect if the location, specified customer entity and delivery time
ordered is met upon receipt (Delivery Performance to Customer Commit Date).
• Documentation supporting the order line is considered perfect if it is all accurate, complete,
and on time (Accurate Documentation).
• The product condition is considered perfect if the product is delivered/faultlessly installed (as
applicable) on specification, with the correct configuration, with no damage, customer ready,
and is accepted by the customer (Perfect Condition)
The calculation of line item perfect order line fulfillment is based on the Level 2 components:
• Each component receives a score of 1 if it is judged to be perfect.
• It receives a score of 0 if not perfect.
If the sum of the scores equal the number of components (in this case, 4) the order line is perfectly