Since New Year's my favourite physical activity has been walking very quickly for aerobic exercise. Not very interesting, I know, but one that has already produced many personal benefits . Four or five times a week, I lace up my walking shoes for a five to seven kilometer walk, even though it is sometimes raining in Vancouver. I breath deeply though my nose because I have been told that to be so warms the air effectively and fills the lungs with a richer mix of oxygen. A side benfit of this deep breathing is that I small much more acutely than usual, as specially as I increase my pace. Lately, the warmth of the sun has brought out the smell of the earth, rich and wet with heavy morning dew. In order to be comfortable walking at high speed, I must also put my feet down carefully and maintain good posture. This helps me to hold my head up more, so I see the many passers by more clearly and often find myself musing to myself about them. What are they thinking, I wonder - probably about me! If you know me, you 'II know that I have always cnjoyed walking, but this kind is better. Now, I find myself deciding to walk the 20 blocks to a local fish shore, just so I can walk there quickly. Fish for dinner her become a happy side effect of my new passion for aerobic walking.