A combination of H2O2 and UV radiation with ferrous ion
(Fe(II)) or ferric ion (Fe(III)), the so-called photo-Fenton process,
are involves irradiation with light, which increases the
rate of contaminant degradation by stimulating the reduction
of Fe(III) to Fe(II) [9,18,19]. This method has shown promise
process due to more hydroxyl radicals in comparison with the
UV/H2O2 and Fenton process. The efficient use of light quanta in
photo reduction of ferric ion and the photolysis of Fe(III)-organic
intermediate chelates are the major reasons in high efficiency of
this method [20,21].
In this paper, three different advanced oxidation processes
for the oxidation of formaline wastewater were compared. The
degradation of both formaldehyde and methanol, which are the
major components in formaline solution by each chemical oxidation
method, was reported. The effects of the pH value, hydrogen
peroxide and iron compounds as well as the toxicity of the treated
solution were monitored. Moreover,