Rome the capital city of Italy and is known for its rich history, which spans over two and a half millennia. Ancient Rome was a thriving city whose famous denizens, such as Julius Caesar, Augustus, and the poet Virgil, are still studied heavily throughout academia. Now often called ‘The Eternal City,’ Rome today is one of the most important tourist destinations around the world. This being said, it can be very crowded during the high season, but that should not deter you. The art and architecture of Rome’s museums and historical sites, as well as its food, landscape, and culture, are known internationally. The Colosseum, where the ancient Roman Gladiators used to fight for the entertainment of emperors and citizens, is one of the world’s Seven Wonders. Unique renaissance architecture is found throughout Rome, as well as religious sites such as the Vatican, the Pantheon and many churches and cathedrals. There is so much to do and see in Rome, you probably won’t be able to fit everything in during one trip—but that just means you’ll have several return visits to look forward to.