In a study F S Roger and H P Robert
found that use of checklist to prepare for all
Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal, Vol-10, No.3, July 2014
high-risk neonatal resuscitations should be
included in a evident based intervention. In
the present study the preliminary tool was
refined as per suggestions by panelists
during the Delphi rounds. Total of four
rounds were conducted by which common
consensus was obtained. The Delphi
technique was first developed by Dalkey and
Halmer at the Rand Corporation in 1953.
The Delphi technique has been described as
a structured communication technique,
originally developed as a systematic,
interactive forecasting method which relies
on a panel of expertsTaylor-Powell (2002)
stated that the number of participants in a
Delphi study depends on the purpose of the
study , Ten to 15 participants may be an
adequate number for a Delphi study. In the
present study twelve participants were