2.2. Preparation of KH053
The dried roots of P. ginseng and bee pollen were extracted separately with 100% water for 6 h in a reflux apparatus. After refluxing, the extracts were filtered, the filtrates were evapo- rated in a rotary evaporator, and the samples were lyophilized in a freeze dryer (Operon, Gyeonggi, Republic of Korea). The extract yields of P. ginseng, was 21%. Each herb of KH053 was mixed in the following ratio: P. ginseng:A. japon- ica = 12:28. The KH053 was dissolved in distilled water and sequentially passed through 0.22-lm filters for sterilization.
2.3. Animals
Seven-week-old male Wistar rats with an average body weight of 250 ± 10 g were brought from animal company (Central Lab Animal Inc., Seoul, Korea). The animal room was always regulated at 22 ± 2 C and at 40–70% relative humidity with a 12-h light/dark cycle. All experiments were performed accord- ing to the protocols approved by the Animal Care Committee of the Animal Center at Kyung Hee University [KHUASP (SE)-13-024].