One recent intervention
study with MedDiet was associated with better global cognitive
performance after 6.5 yr of follow-up compared with a
control group who received advice on a lower-fat diet (50). Epidemiological
studies have recently reported an association between
wine consumption and the incidence of AD. Red wine in
particular, another component of the MedDiet, was investigated
in the Personnes Agees Quid (PAQUID) study, in which the
relative risk for dementia and AD among 318 subjects who
drank three or four glasses of wine each day in comparison with
971 total abstainers were 0.21 and 0.25, respectively. Among the
922 older subjects who drank no more than one or two glasses
of wine each day with regard to the abstainers the relative risk
for AD was significantly reduced (0.55) (51)