Fig. 2 shows the XRD patterns of pure chitosan (CG0) and chitosan-based composite films (CG1, CG2, CG3). All the film produced a diffraction pattern of a semicrystalline to an
amorphous phase. CG0 showed characteristics peaks of chitosan films around 2u = 11 and 18 [20]. With the addition of GFSE into pure chitosan films, the intensity of XRD peaks decreased, displaying a diffraction pattern of an amorphous phase with the background raised at around 2u = 20, demonstrating the behavior of GFSE within the matrix of the films. The intensity of the XRD peaks became broader with increasing amounts of GFSE, suggesting a decrease in the crystallinity of the films, which also explains for the decrease in tensile strength as chitosan chains became more loosely packed. The XRD patterns were in accordance with the mechanical test results.