Otmosit (Osmosis) means the spread of water molecules from an area where there is a concentration of the water. Go to the areas where there is a concentration of the water by a thin barrier membrane which acts as a tissue through the membrane is selected, select the thin membrane that lets through is that some substances through but some substance.
"(Osmosis) is a SIM otmo process originating from the cell in which there are different concentrations on the environment. Make water molecules in the cell, there is a move from areas where there is a concentration of water to areas where there is a concentration of the least water through the membrane and cause voltage otmosit (Osmotic Pressure).
The egg cell is otmosit in a study of the occurrence of otmosit of water into the cell, the egg, causing the voltage otmosit. When the liquid level in comparison with the time when it would have a speed of otmo Xin's. Tools used to measure the voltage meter module otmosit said on. (Osmomiter)
The value of the otmosit pressure. Depending on the concentration of the solution. Pure water pressure min. otmosit
(Turgor Pressure)-pressure is the pressure that occur within cells, caused widespread water into a cell with a relaxing atmosphere.
The advantage of pressure-
1. make the cell-
2. make the cell constant shape command.
3. make the branches or leaves of plants spread in the middle of the water molecule diffusion occurs from the cell to the outside the cell. If the cells lose water. -Pressure is gradually reduced.
The purpose.
1. to study, on the subject of "Xin otmo place.
2. to emphasize the practical process of otmosit of the eggs.
3. to achieve knowledge and understanding about the otmosit.
4. to study the factors that affect an otmo Xin's.
Materials / equipment used
1 bottle of water
1 raw egg bubble.
A clear straws 1 tube
1 magnificent ruler.
1 knife
1 candle
1 an lighters
1 glass of water
Ultra pure water
The trial procedures.
1. bring the chicken egg came on the shell at the katho side not sharp design. You must have a diameter of at least 1 cm.
2. bring the knife to penetrate the egg shell is coming at the Cape, there is a bulb that adopt caution not to remove the tube, puncture, hole to the side of the membrane area is not sharp.
3. apply the stick wax candle light, candle-drip tears off the area where the drilling well on eggshell tubes, stick with eggs and be careful not to allow the leak area.
4. apply the prepared water bottle, fill in the. Bring the eggs that were prepared on a bottle of water, not sharp at the edges of adjacent with water bottles.
5. observe the changes along with the record results of experiments.
Summary trial.
1. from the test execution try on a simple module to the meter. -Measure the voltage from the level of the liquid is pushed into the tube. When the water pressure in a egg-is increasingly widespread, but when the water enters the balance point spread. The water level in the tube that is fixed.
-Maximum voltage = supply voltage of osmotic solution
2. the balance of the spread. The water from the outside of the egg spread into the inner egg equals an external egg eggs spread out to.
3. an otmosit from an area where there is a concentration of the water. Go to the areas where there is a concentration of the water by a thin barrier membrane.
4. the diffusion of water molecules when access to the eggs through the membrane will cause the egg white in eggs in the tubes. But the quantity of water in the bottle, it is seldom decreased gradually.
5. the width of the cell membrane of eggs that are selected through the tissue. Otmosit effect of water into the eggs.
1. If the tear drop candles close areas where drilling is not the egg shell. When I try to make the egg white coming out the joints leak area.
2. If the drill tube deep into more eggs. To make a otmosit of water is going to be slow. By observing from the egg white into the tube. Therefore, do not plug in the tube, very deep. Should be on the egg white and egg yolk does not penetrate into the.