Eastern Europe is a hotbed of modeling talent. From the land of blade-sharp cheekbones, gorgeous gray eyes and, yes, the pierogi, comes Miss December Amanda Streich.
“Just a little over two years ago,” says the 19 year old Polish modelka with a velvet accent, “I was a champion swimmer who entered a beauty contest and, before I knew what was happening, I was scouted by a manager and moved to New York City to model.”
It proved a perfect move for Amanda. Her ever expanding resume now includes gigs with Victoria’s Secret, Calvin Klein and Shape magazine. Manhattan has become her geographic G-spot.
Whether working a photo shoot, applauding a Broadway show or shooting pool with the boys in SoHo, she is savoring the Big Apple.
“New York is my dream-come-true town because it has such energy and magic. I don’t like leaving it for even one night,”she declares.
She especially loves this time of year in the city. “It’s perfection with the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center and the Empire State building all lit up in red and green,” she says. “So beautiful!”
Ravishing too is out Centerfold herself. Her humble explanation? “When I moved here I was really skinny and young,” says Amanda. “But after two years my body has changed and I’ve become, I don’t know a little sexier or something?” Maybe just a little