Waterfall Model
Waterfall model [16] is the Sequential development
Requirement should be clear before going to next
phase of design.
Testing is carried out once the code has been fully
developed. Each work-product or activity is
completed before moving on to next
Each phase of development proceeds in order
without any overlapping.
Each phase schedule for the tasks to be completed
within a specified time period
The documentation and testing happens at the end of
each phase, which helps in maintaining the quality of
the project.
In the waterfall model each step is frozen before the
next step. That is the requirements are frozen before
the design starts, and once the design is frozen the
coding starts etc. But what will the testing team do
till then so is very time consuming and high costing
In waterfall model the defect were found very late in
the development life cycle as test team was not
involved from the beginning of the project.
Tester role will be involved in testing phase only
Figure 1: Waterfall Model Life Cycle
Requirement given by the client should be clear before
we start the next phase of development life cycle because
in waterfall model the requirement phase should be freeze
before we start the design phase. Further changes in
requirement will not be considered.