A rise in landfill temperature has been observed in many landfills. This has generally been
considered to be a consequence of the heat generated by biodegradation or the heat of hydration
of incinerated residues (ash) and generally has not been a matter of concern. However, landfill
temperature will affect the chemical, physical and biological processes in the landfill and, in
particular, may have a significant impact on the service life of components of any engineered
barrier system. A rise in liner temperature will cause antioxidant depletion in a geomembrane,
potential desiccation in clay liners beneath a geomembrane, and an increase diffusion and/or
moisture movement through liners (Rowe 1998; Rowe et al. 2003).
This paper discusses the observed temperature of landfill liners and then seeks to model the
temperature at the base of the Tokyo Port Landfill using a numerical heat transfer model. A
sensitivity analysis is performed to assist in evaluating how biodegradation and the infiltrated
water flux from the surface to the base in the landfill could influence liner temperature.
A rise in landfill temperature has been observed in many landfills. This has generally beenconsidered to be a consequence of the heat generated by biodegradation or the heat of hydrationof incinerated residues (ash) and generally has not been a matter of concern. However, landfilltemperature will affect the chemical, physical and biological processes in the landfill and, inparticular, may have a significant impact on the service life of components of any engineeredbarrier system. A rise in liner temperature will cause antioxidant depletion in a geomembrane,potential desiccation in clay liners beneath a geomembrane, and an increase diffusion and/ormoisture movement through liners (Rowe 1998; Rowe et al. 2003).This paper discusses the observed temperature of landfill liners and then seeks to model thetemperature at the base of the Tokyo Port Landfill using a numerical heat transfer model. Asensitivity analysis is performed to assist in evaluating how biodegradation and the infiltratedwater flux from the surface to the base in the landfill could influence liner temperature.
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