This mouthpiece was received,
observed, measured, diagramed, and
play-tested by me and several others.
All of our findings confirmed reasons
for the concerns of the owner. Because
of the long history of popularity of
this mouthpiece (for some fifty years
world-wide) I felt that this problem
merited a much deeper investigation,
since many of the same facets were
present in several other brands. This
column will deal with just this one
brand name, and with the years from
the 1930s on. Please pardon the need
for becoming a bit more technical, but
don’t become overwhelmed by it. Just
re-read the technical portions and give
them some deeper thought. Perhaps
you will find some parallel problems
with your own equipment, and also
get a much more practical picture of
how even very slight changes in the
mouthpiece, affect it’s performance
capabilities dramatically. You may also
find that some of the problems you
perceive as being caused by the instrument,
originate with the mouthpiece,
since it governs the saxophone, not