4. Conclusions
In the present study, catalysts were successfully prepared from
raw chicken bones as an efficient heterogeneous catalyst for biodiesel
production by transesterification of low FFA waste cooking
oil. The results demonstrate that the calcination temperaturegreatly influence the transesterification reaction. Among different
catalysts tested, the C900 shows high catalytic activity in the biodiesel
production form WCO at the optimized reaction conditions
such as reaction time of 4 h, methanol to oil molar ration of 15:1,
reaction temperature of 65 C, catalyst loading of 5 wt% and
agitation speed of 500 rpm. This suggests that C900 catalyst provides
sufficient catalytically active basic site density for transesterification
reaction to provide maximum biodiesel yield of
89.33%. Thus the utilization of waste chicken bones not only contributes
to proper disposal of waste but also provides a cheap
catalyst for biodiesel production.
The financial assistance provided by Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
is gratefully acknowledged.