1.1.8. Cad88C
Cad88C expression is not detectable in the follicle cells up to
stage 10A (Fig. 1H1 and H2). In stage 10B, all follicle cells contacting
the oocyte express Cad88C (Fig. 1H3). In stages 11–12, expresFig.
2. Pattern classification and abstracted expression. (A) Pattern annotation scheme for the main body follicle cells (MBFCs), as proposed in (Yakoby et al., in press).
Patterns have been described using three differential levels of expression: Expression not detected (no shading), basal expression (grey) and strong expression (black). (B)
Abstracted expression patterns are shown as cartoons for the nine cadherin genes. Roof versus floor plus roof expression was determined by counting the number of cells
between the patches (2 cells for floor plus roof, 4 for roof patterns).
34 J.J. Zartman et al. / Gene Expression Patterns 9 (2009) 31–36
sion is confined to dorsal anterior cells and posterior cells