Cars are imported to Finland from other EU member countries on a daily basis. There has been a conversation about the profitability of the car import and my objective was to find out the current situation. The author have imported several cars to Finland and have noticed that the margin of profit has at least diminished. The author carried out this study in order to make known all the expenses, which concerns the import of a car. As countries from where the import took place, was used Germany and Sweden.
The theory focused on the import methods and their expenses, on the purchase process on both of the chosen countries and on the current situation of car taxation in Finland. In order to find out these matters the author used expertise of his own and the acknowledgement, which was available on the internet and on the literature.
As a research method was used empirical research method. The author had experience from importing a car from Germany but Sweden was an unknown territory. Therefore the information had to be gathered from different sources.
The result of the study was that the car import is still profitable if the import is done with the car brand and model in question. The important matter was to compare cars with low Co2 emission and cars with high Co2 emission, because the car taxation is based on emissions. The aim of the study was to give hints and guidelines for the car importation.
The place of purchase, the car brand and model and the import method effects to the profitability. It would be interesting to find out what would be the importation methods and the overall costs when the import takes place from other EU member countries such as France or Belgium.