Having said that, he leaves with vigorous strides. The remaining official in crimson red shows a face filled with fear, his forehead sweating profusely.
Gui Wan walks up to the horse carriage, and only then did she find that youth was waiting at the side. Seeing his still jade-like figure stand there, her heart warms up. She doesn’t know why, but having just dealt with the hypocritical imperial palace, and then see this youth that is as clear as water after that, makes her feel a type of long absent friendliness.
Firmly sitting in the horse carriage, she turns her hand to beckon the youth on board. Originally, doing this is inappropriate, but now that the skies are so dark, with no other horse carriage, she cannot just leave this youth to run after the horse carriage as they return to the Prime Minister Estate.
Both people firmly sits facing each other. The horse carriage had already started moving, Gui Wan lets out a sigh of relief, extending her hand to lift up the curtains, wanting to see the outside. Another hand suddenly appears in front of her, gently closing the curtain, the youth’s voice sounds in a very gentle manner: “The winds are really strong outside, you’ll catch a cold.”
Looking at him in astonishment, Gui Wan freezes up, such a familiar scene, when coming here, Lou Che also seems to have said this.
The youth sees Gui Wan’s reaction, his face turning red, immediately retrieving his hand back to his side. That’s right, she is of such noble status, how could she tolerate him making such gestures[4], thinking this, the youth shows an expression of bewilderment.
Noticing the youth’s sudden haste, Gui Wan lets out an elegant yet tense laugh, “Thank you.” Seeing the youth’s clear pupils, she is struck by a thought, asking, “What’s your name?”
The youth replies: “I’m called Guan Xiu Wen.”
Gui Wan takes a look at him, and closes her eyes, gently leaning against the pre-prepared cushion in the carriage, listening to the sound of the carriage’s wheels, she thinks for a long time, then indifferently says: “Are you prepared? Officialdom, is a path even more dangerous than being in the battlefield, if you do not have a firm conviction, how will walk down this path? The you right now is not enough.”
This voice is ever so light, so faint, but with one hit one shot it is beaten into Guan Xiu Wen’s heart. Intently looking at the woman with her eyes closed in front of him, this woman who had once very calmly said she will kill him, this woman who had completely changed his destiny, suddenly feeling at a loss, conviction……just what kind of conviction should he be holding to walk down the path ahead?
The horse carriage continues to run, throwing behind the imperial palace with red walls and gold tiles. At this moment, no one knew, this very night, changed the fate of several people……