To test for common method variance in this single-instrument survey, we used the
Harman one-factor method. This common method variance detecting test has been
widely used in the literature (Podsakoff and Organ, 1989; Williams et al., 1989; Menon
et al., 1999; Podsakoff et al., 2003). If common method bias was a serious problem,
either a single factor would emerge or a general factor would account for most of the
variance in the data. Our principal component factor analysis resulted in seven factors
with eigenvalues 41, and the first factor accounted for only 17 percent of the total
variance. Moreover, the independent and dependent variables loaded on different
factors. Thus, common method variance is unlikely to be causing the relationships
among variables in our study.
To test for common method variance in this single-instrument survey, we used theHarman one-factor method. This common method variance detecting test has beenwidely used in the literature (Podsakoff and Organ, 1989; Williams et al., 1989; Menonet al., 1999; Podsakoff et al., 2003). If common method bias was a serious problem,either a single factor would emerge or a general factor would account for most of thevariance in the data. Our principal component factor analysis resulted in seven factorswith eigenvalues 41, and the first factor accounted for only 17 percent of the totalvariance. Moreover, the independent and dependent variables loaded on differentfactors. Thus, common method variance is unlikely to be causing the relationshipsamong variables in our study.
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