Qing Shui communicates with Dragon Slaying Beast directly, this communication made Qing Shui be shocked, he asked that Dragon Slaying Beast can attack the spirit body, feared that Dragon Slaying Beast does not understand own meaning, asked it can attack that Flower Monster?
The answer of then getting is, that golden spiral acute angle of its head can attack to exist, once after the acute angle breaks the body of opposite party will send out a strength Dragon Slaying Beast surrounding, at that time it can the whole body cover a mystical strength same to harm the body of spirit body.
This Qing Shui stayed, has thought that acute angle is on Dragon Slaying Beast the sharpest spot, can break all, is sharper compared with the tooth is more fearful, has not thought that this almost three feet long golden color screw [gold/metal] Jiao also has this use, terrifying was too too formidable.
Why Qing Shui also knows this Flower Monster suddenly such terrifying Dragon Slaying Beast now.
The Dragon Slaying Beast violence lets Shen Huang is also surprised, she has not thought that Dragon Slaying Beast so will be formidable, this looks like can only be monster beast unexpectedly such terrifying of tiny tot, the speed was the strength, sharp truly too terrifying that the speed destroyed the hardest defenses in addition.
Dragon Slaying Beast is mainly the speed, so long as speed can quick the match, then the opposite party was dangerous, once could not shunt that is falls the life the matter, even if the large-scale monster beast were not good, for example the beforehand Flower Monster beast, Dragon Slaying Beast can not penetrate its body directly, can wreak havoc in its body, continuously completely destroyed after its internal organs and brain, came out again.
The hundred flowers protect the body!
Sees only in the Flower Monster surrounding ten meters to flutter the gorgeous flowers, if careful looked that will discover revolving that these flower petals keeping, slightly cannot look up, speed slow also wants slow ten times compared with the snail, but this countless flowers are this, had a mysterious melody, as if invisible peony is the same.
„You have devil beast Flower Monster to look that unexpectedly” Qing Shui cannot recover from surprised as before.
This is devil beast, Qing Shui misunderstands very much, this Dragon Slaying Beast it seems like hates to become famous, no matter any beast, so long as fierce on line, now can look that this Flower Monster is afraid this Dragon Slaying Beast or the devil beast.
The devil beast in spirit body animal eye is a fearful thing, because this thing cannot kill, the speed is also quick, is good at sneak attacking, was almost sneak attacked dead, so long as has bumped into the absolute dead end, the devil beastly fable external force cannot kill, once were entangled that by the devil beast is an extremely terrifying matter.
However devil beast extremely few, basic over a thousand years, although is afraid the devil beast, but also is the fables.
At this time Dragon Slaying Beast has fired into Flower Monster, Flower Sword in Flower Monster hand got hold, but in Dragon Slaying Beast has hit the Flower Monster surrounding flowers, was shot to fly directly