There are a few things less mind-numbing than waiting out a good traffic jam. Technology company TomTom recently released results from a survey spotlighting the top 10 worst cities in the world for traffic. The survey took into account the amount of time a driver spends actually stuck in traffic compared to an uncongested road. We're not talking couple-times-a-year vacation traffic—these cities are home to kind of traffic jams that have you planning actual tasks and activities to complete while you're stuck bumper-to-bumper on the highway.
Surprisingly, only one U.S. city cut into the top ten—and barely. Los Angeles squeaked in and stole the No. 10 spot with drivers experiencing 41 percent of their time spent in high traffic situations. You can find three destinations on the list in the same country: Brazil. Read on for the Top 10 list from TomTom (and catch the 174-destination list here to see where you city comes into play):
Mexico City, Mexico
Population: 20 million
Average extra time during rush hours: 59%
Average extra travel time per year spent in traffic: 219 hours
Bangkok, Thailand
Population: 15 million
Average extra time during rush hours: 57%
Average extra travel time per year spent in traffic: 232 hours