In early blight disease, leaves from each replicate were selected for recording the observation. In Fusarium wilt, yellowing and wilted leaves were selected to calculate the disease severity. The progress of diseases was observed for 7 days. Disease severities were recorded on a standard rating of 0–5 as proposed by Campbell and Madden [35] (grades 0 = 0% of leaf area infected/wilted and yellowing leaf; 1 = 1–5% of leaf area infected/wilted and yellowing leaf; 2 = 6–10% of leaf area infected/wilted and yellowing leaf; 3 = 11–20% of leaf area infected/wilted and yellowing leaf; 4 = 21–30% of leaf area infected/wilted and yellowing leaf; 5 = more than 31% leaf area infected/wilted and yellowing leaf). Further, the disease severity and percentage efficacy of disease control (PEDC) were calculated by using the formula given by Chester [36] and Wheeler [37]. Disease severity = sum of all individual disease rating/total number of leaf assessed − maximum rating × 100. PEDC = disease severity in control − disease severity in treatment/disease severity in control × 100.