I think so ^^ Pete likes Yuri in last season and in novel. and in last episode Pete told Earn he only likes him as friend and that he likes girls, not boys. And Earn also said he only sees Pete as a friend too bcuz he likes Noh..
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ardlse ale 1 วันที่ผ่านมา
+Jemma G But didn't they said there will be this love line between Pete and Earn in this season?? That Pete supposedly has a crush on earn?
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Jemma G 1 วันที่ผ่านมา (แก้ไขแล้ว)
+ardlse ale They didn't actually said that anywhere. It is some fans who think so :) they think wrongly probably. But maybe we see.
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ardlse ale 1 วันที่ผ่านมา
+Jemma G Oh~ I see. Thanks anyways! ^^
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Ji Ae Son 1 วันที่ผ่านมา (แก้ไขแล้ว)
+Jemma G Wow..for me...it's a really good news. I really like a love triangle between phun-noh-earn. XD So, I hope Pete will be Yuri's new boyfriend later.
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Juliette Do 1 วันที่ผ่านมา
+Jemma G : ;A; I want my PeteEarn though...can't the director spice things up ~__~
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Ji Ae Son 1 วันที่ผ่านมา
+Juliette Do In fact , I skimmed through a translated novel trying to find the part of noh/phun/earn. That's why I really love triangle relationship. ^^ Also, I don't know about the pete character well than others. Anyway , I just hope so even though it's up to the director.. OMG..
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Juliette Do 1 วันที่ผ่านมา
Yeah >< Hmm...Oh I like the love triangle it's just I want Earn to be happy since Noh have phun...so I rather have him end up falling for Pete and Pete liking him as well.
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AK TF 19 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
+Jemma G lol they wouldn't pair pete with yuri, imo. sure, pete's kinda crushing on her in the novel but it's a bit vague and in last season there weren't many peteyuri moments as well. anyway, pete's character is not all that important but in the opening(and teaser) of lsts 2, pete was shown standing beside earn (who's a major character as 2nd male lead) instead of yuri. I think they'll probably end up together when earn get over noh in the future. And if I'm not mistaken, in last season they kinda have a small scene(I forgot what it's about but earn was wearing a beanie) which is included in the uncut version. well, it was nothing special but I think they were pretty much hinting or planning on smth (or else they wouldn't have filmed it).
plots aside, earn and pete often attend events together and or had been spotted together on many occasions(off screen). I think the production team sorta want to put them for display (with so many pda & fanservices) to gain more advantages from fans of the series (esp. bl fangirls). Pete even attended lsts 2 presscon, like, he has no major part in the series, why would he be there ? (there were only phun noh yuri aim earn pete lol I swear they're dropping hints). I think they recieved lots of positive and supportive feedbacks on earnpete. besides, pete also gained a quite huge fanbase because of his visual. so maybe they eventually decided to make a decent plot for them and give pete more screentime (bc earnpete would totally sell and bring in more $$$). but since pete's character in the novel is nothing major they have to develop a new plot for earnpete . and i think what they are trying to do now, is to make a believable & well developed plot so it won't feel rushed & forced but still fits the main plot. maybe it goes a little bit like- at first, pete only sees earn as friend. but after that /one particular/ scene in ep.8 he got a little flustered & started to question his feelings a bit. then he witnesses how earn keeps trying to pursue noh and it sparks something within him (jealousy???). after that, it got him wondering what if he actually sees earn in /that/ way. and later it finally gets to him that /maybe/ he does feel something for earn, after all. (Lol at my own lame imaginary plot.)
But, I genuinely think they are making earnpete a thing though. They wouldn't include that scene in ep.8 if they are not gonna develop earnpete's story in the future. I think they are slowly making progress on them. (I hope they would pick up the pace a bit though). but then again, this is solely based on my own personal judgement. I dont follow any official statements about earnpete or peteyuri but this is what I picked on things that has been circulating around. and seeing how people are pleased to see some earnpete moments on ep.8, they are likely to be paired up in the end. if earnpete is not gonna be a thing, then be damned my delusional mind.
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mgkrise 17 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Because this's the "Love sick", Love based on understanding and care. Their Love may happens if Pete always stand beside "Earn" through his problem same as Punn-Noh's love
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Juliette Do 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา