Examples from the web for critic Expand
From the deluge of art, a critic chooses some standouts.
It is not every day that a literary and cultural critic is immortalized in popular fiction, even a story set in academe.
Neither critic doubts that inequality rose and that poorer people gained access to more credit.
No one, no even the fiercest critic of modernity, takes offense at them.
There seems to be some serious misunderstanding about what an art critic does.
It's so easy to be the critic when you have no idea how to be actually do the thing you are criticizing.
The difference between me and you, pal, is the difference between the artist and the critic.
It's easy to be a critic but not so easy to actually use your brain to think creatively.
Yet he's always told me never, ever, to do what he's done-be both an artist and an art critic.
Probing satire and whimsical musings by a leading cultural critic, with valuable insights into the city's pop culture.