1. After 60 min of sintering at 1050 C, a fully austenitic structure
with a mean crystallite size of about 50 nm was achieved.
2. A decrease in the pore level was realized by increasing the
sintering aid, via optical microscopy, where by adding 8 wt%
sintering aid, spoiling was observed.
3. By increasing the additive amount from 0 wt% to 6 wt%, the
compressive yield strength and compression strength were
increased from about 475 MPa to 700 MPa and 550 MPa to
1050 MPa, respectively. Also, an increase in the impact resistance
was found by increasing the additive content, from the
Charpy impact tests and fractographic microscopic observations.
4. Some unmelted additive particles were observed in the impact
fracture surfaces of the additive-containing samples, despite
the improved toughness.