Gibson et al. (2000a,b) tested at infant age 1 year, using an
EPDS score of 13 or more. Glazebrook et al. (2001) tested at 6
weeks post-partum and used an EPDS score of 12 or more.
Both estimates are outside the rates of 7.4% 3 months and 8.1%
8 months post-partum established in general populations of
mothers of infants using the same measure (Johanson et al.,
2000; Evans et al., 2001). One still perplexing finding is that
ART mothers are at a 4-fold risk of admission to Australian residential
early parenting services for treatment of mild to moderate
mood disorder and infant behaviour disturbance than SC mothers
from the same socioeconomic group, with similar severity of
mood disturbance on admission (48% of each group had EPDS
scores .12) (Fisher et al., 2005).