Product Disclosure
Labels that disclose the noise emitted from
products promote informed consumer
choice. Mandatory labeling of noise emissions
is required for certain products in China,
Argentina, Brazil, and the European Union
(NAE 2010). Disclosure will inform consumer
choice only if the consumer understands the
implications of what the label discloses, so we
discuss product disclosures with the assumption
that they will be accompanied by education.
The NCA requires that the U.S. EPA
adopt regulations that label products that emit
noise capable of adversely affecting the public
health or welfare (NCA 1972b). The U.S. EPA
implemented this mandate only for portable
air compressors, even though there are many
other, more noisy products, including children’s
toys (Hawks 1998). Individuals without
access to education may still experience some
benefit from product disclosures that are easily
understood, such as warnings based on red,
yellow, and green colors. The U.S. EPA could
resume its work mandating disclosures with
NPS leadership and Congressional funding.
Product DisclosureLabels that disclose the noise emitted fromproducts promote informed consumerchoice. Mandatory labeling of noise emissionsis required for certain products in China,Argentina, Brazil, and the European Union(NAE 2010). Disclosure will inform consumerchoice only if the consumer understands theimplications of what the label discloses, so wediscuss product disclosures with the assumptionthat they will be accompanied by education.The NCA requires that the U.S. EPAadopt regulations that label products that emitnoise capable of adversely affecting the publichealth or welfare (NCA 1972b). The U.S. EPAimplemented this mandate only for portableair compressors, even though there are manyother, more noisy products, including children’stoys (Hawks 1998). Individuals withoutaccess to education may still experience somebenefit from product disclosures that are easilyunderstood, such as warnings based on red,yellow, and green colors. The U.S. EPA couldresume its work mandating disclosures withNPS leadership and Congressional funding.
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