Sources of supply from within the organization.
Sources of supply from outside the organization in the national and local labour markets.
The analysis of demand and supply forecasts determines whether there are any deficits or surpluses. It
provides the basis for recruitment, retention and downsizing if necessary computerized planning models can be
used for this purpose. The basic forecasting calculations can be carried out with a spread sheet that sets out and
calculates the number required for each occupation.
7.1 Labour Turnover
The analysis of the number of people leaving the organization which includes labour turnover or
wastage provides data for use in supply forecasting so that calculations can be made on the number of people
lost who may have to be replaced. The analysis of the number of leavers and the reasons why they leave
provides information that will indicate if any action is required to be taken to improve retention rates. It can
encourage further investigations underlying causes and identifying remedies.
The success of human resource planning mainly depends on the will of the organization to devise such
plans that will attract people to work in an environment of peace, tranquility, progress, growth and development
of both employer and employee. It is possible for any organization to evolve and implement a sound HRP, if it
is based on quality + quantity +spirit of Harmony among the people that they recruit.
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