* I think what I would like most have to change is my memory
I want to control memory because it is still with us and what else would gradually disappear over time. So I would like good memory forever. in my life, I have both good and bad things happen. I want to choose what I remember and forget something. Sometimes I remember is bad memory but forget the good things. Unfortunately I forget good things more than remember it such as I forgot knowledge about study made me failed in the exam and I always forgot what to do Sometimes I forget the faces or name of people known. My friend in elementary school education, I forgot them and I don’t remember important information that is required even forgot the attention to people I love and forgot something about people know It makes me feel bad that I don't remember important things.
If I can choose to remember my life is very happy. Choose to remember great experience that time so good and choose forget a story what I have been done wrong in the past that makes me sad.