Whenever you adjust the length of the microphone boom, you must pull lightly on the cable where it feeds in and out of the tubular part of the headset here. The cable must snake through all the bends in the headset tubing on its way to the microphone and it can jam if it is not kept under tension.
The microphone boom should be adjusted so that the microphone itself is next to the left corner of your mouth and about 3/4 inch away. This is the optimum place for the best sound without picking up P” pops and blowing noises. To adjust the boom, push or pull on the movablefront section. Push or pull the boom, not the microphone. If you pull the boom off the headband or the microphone out of the boom, you can slide them back together making sure that the front of the microphone (the side with the lighter color screen) is toward your mouth.