The South Australian Tourism Plan 2020 sets out the key priorities for the
State through to 2020.
This plan has been developed with extensive industry consultation,
throughout all regions of South Australia and across industry, business and
all levels of government.
The five Priority Action Areas identified in this Plan by industry reflect the
collective view as to where we as a sector must focus to achieve the full
$8.0b potential for the South Australian economy by 2020.
Deloitte identified tourism as one of five ‘super-growth’ sectors that will
drive jobs and growth. We are committed to the mission to drive growth in
tourism in South Australia and believe that leveraging our collective strengths will help us achieve the targets
set out in the plan.
The South Australian Tourism Commission Board strongly endorses the South Australian Tourism Plan 2020,
and encourages all partners to support the strategic vision that it sets.
The Board and the team at the South Australian Tourism Commission look forward to working with the
tourism industry to achieve the opportunities for South Australia outlined in this Plan.