the face were diminished (Fig. 12). A visible reduction in the depth
of fine periorbital lines and fine vertical lines on the upper lip was
also observed (Fig. 13), deeper periorbital lines appeared shallow
after completing the treatment regimen (Fig. 14). This assessment
was confirmed by comparison with photographs taken at the
beginning of the study. It is believed, however, that this effect
was due to increased collagen production by saturation of fibroblasts
with ALA. Cellular membrane repair has been attributed to
antioxidant administration to tissues [27]. In addition to the above
findings, the female volunteers also reported a noticeable difference
in skin tone of the face, which was described as a ‘‘healthy
glow’’ (Fig. 14) [28]. Subjects reported no complaints regarding
irritation from daily use of the gel. Two of the subjects reported
improvement of facial scars, which was confirmed by comparison
with photographs taken at the beginning of the study.