The network security situation awareness system we
developed by ourselves was applied in the experiment. This
system includes a network security situation generation
engine based on knowledge discovery. The test data LLDOS
1.0 was provided by MIT Lincoln Lab, which was collected
under the attack inspect situation of DARPA2000 [14].
LLDOS 1.0 was the first data collection which was created
by DARPA. It was consists of five attack stages: get the list
of active hosts, find weak Solaris hosts, invade the system by
Solaris Sadmind buffer overflow bug, install mstream DDoS
trojan on the controlled hosts, start attack on the remote
server by the controlled hosts. The attack data collection was
replay in the experiment network and the attack scene was
regenerated. With our distribute network security situation
awareness system Net-SSA, sensors deplored in the
experiment network can detect security events and reported
to the control center which was responsible of data fusion
and correlation analysis of the multi-sensor information.