Accommodation is a basic right and need for everybody including students. Student
housing is facing problems all over Europe. There are not enough dormitories or student
houses and they are often in bad condition. Student dormitories and student houses
should be built to answer to the demand. It should not be a barrier to get into education
that you are not able to find or afford a place to live. Dormitories and student houses
should also be provided to students with special needs for example disabled students,
students with health problems and students with children.
When there are not enough student dormitories and/or student houses the government
should encourage the private market to invest in the building and renting of cheap student
housing. The government is responsible for the regulating of the price of student housing
especially the one that gets public funding. Then students who pay too much for a roof
above their head can go to court assisted where necessary by the national or local student
unions. For students who can not get a place in dormitory or a student house should
receive a special housing supplement to cover part of the rent they have to pay extra in
the private market.
Living standards in dormitories must be improved and they should be reasonable
comparing to other groups of people in the society. Students have the right to privacy and
the lack of it affects studying. Sufficient amount of study room and social areas should be
provided in the dormitories and student houses.