Abstract— Education is based on mutual communication
between the teacher and the learner. Any other process leading to
acquisition of knowledge is based on communication between a
certain source (a person, a book, other types of sources) and the
person who aims at acquiring knowledge. The quality of the
communication determines the quality and efficiency of the learning
process and the quality, depth and completeness of the acquisition of
knowledge – where by acquisition of knowledge is meant not a
passive ability to reproduce memorized materials, but the sort of
internalization that makes the learner capable of developing
independent ways of reflecting and thinking on the material
concerned. Language is the fundamental tool for communication, and
has a fundamental role also in the development of abilities in other
communication tools like visualization or the use of symbols.
Language is also the fundamental tool for the development of thought
and is, therefore, essential for all the inquiry aspects in the sciences
and in the trains of thoughts leading from information to
interpretation and ultimately to theory. The article: underlines and
documents the importance of language mastering for students
pursuing science or engineering careers; suggests that the
development of language-mastering abilities, up to the sophistication
levels needed for the generation and communication of scientific
information, needs to become a relevant component of science and
technology education; and discusses some possible implementation