However, this is an exceptional case. The Adventurer's Guild has decided to cooperate fully with the Kingdom, in order to quickly resolve the problems facing us. The princess will relate the details to us, so I pray you will be quiet and listen."
The Princess slowly advanced, flanked by the members of Blue Rose and Gazef Stronoff.
"I am Renner Theiere Chardelon ryle Vaiself, and I am deeply grateful that everyone here was able to respond to the extraordinary summons issued tonight."
She bowed demurely to them, and several sighs of affection rose from the adventurers as they saw the delicate sight before them.
"Normally, I would render duly deserved praise upon all of you, but as time is of the essence, let us arrive presently to the point. This night, a portion of the capital—"
Here the princess raised a finger to a part of the map —the northeast corner— and drew a circle around it.
"—a portion of the capital was surrounded by a wall of fire. The flames are more than thirty meters in height, and I am certain you have all seen them.