In the middle of the last decade, the rise of the network brought a new utopian-
ism to journalism studies literature, bound up with the notion that _the profession
would have to articulate an equilibrium between its operationally closed working cul-
ture strictly relying on a ruling elite of _experts_, and a more collaborative, responsive,
interactive or even dialogical journalistic culture_ (Deuze 2008, 219). Supplanting the
classic _gatekeeping_ role of the news journalist in the networked age, Bruns_ theory of
the _gatewatcher_ (which takes after Gans_ [1979] _multiperspectivality_) has at its heart
a long-established US communications ideal: the marketplace of ideas. But this
approach belies a significant reality: just because _the former audience_ now has access
to (some of) the news source material journalists used to monopolise, it does not mean
that they have the time or inclination to create or disseminate their own news.