. Effect of reaction time on the weight gain of lignin-copolymer synthesized
at70 ◦C and COCl/OH = 2.
Effect of TEA/SC ratio on the weight gain of lignin copolymer synthesized at
70 ◦C for 8 h and COCl/OH = 1.5.
Effect of reaction temperature on the weight gain of lignin-copolymer synthesized
for 12 h and COCl/OH = 2.
FTIR spectra of lignin (A) and lignin-copolymer (B) synthesized at 70 ◦C for
8 h and COCl/OH = 1.5.
Digital images of lignin (a) and lignin-copolymer film (b) by hot press molding at 110 ◦C and 117 MPa for 3 min
TEM image of the film by hot press molding at 110 ◦C for 3 min of lignincopolymer
synthesized at 70 ◦C for 8 h and COCl/OH = 1.5.