Despite the many actors and private enterprises that are
involved in distributing herring, it is, with few exceptions, used for
the purpose of lobster bait in the Northeast US. This represents a
departure from the past. Historically, there was also a large canning
industry in New England (Read and Brownstein, 2011). Herring was
caught initially in weirs and stop seines and later in purse seines.
Although the last canning factory in the Gulf of Maine closed in
2010 (Starr, 2013), herring continues to be canned in Blacks Harbor,
Canada in the only remaining sardine cannery in North America
(Brunswick Catch, 2015).
Despite the many actors and private enterprises that areinvolved in distributing herring, it is, with few exceptions, used forthe purpose of lobster bait in the Northeast US. This represents adeparture from the past. Historically, there was also a large canningindustry in New England (Read and Brownstein, 2011). Herring wascaught initially in weirs and stop seines and later in purse seines.Although the last canning factory in the Gulf of Maine closed in2010 (Starr, 2013), herring continues to be canned in Blacks Harbor,Canada in the only remaining sardine cannery in North America(Brunswick Catch, 2015).
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