In my opinion, Youth is one of the greatest manpower in every field. This event can easily achieve success in any field ofyouth, especially about environmental conservation because they understand that it is one of the main problems in thesociety. Even the small innovative idea of the youth can bring major changes in the society. Nowadays protection of theenvironment is very important as the world is moving into a new era without considering any of the major problems ofpollution with rapid industrialization. The best way to protect the environment is conservation. Young people constitute alarge part of the world’s population. Many, especially young children, are particularly vulnerable to environmental risksassociated with, for example, access to clean and safe drinking water. In addition, young people will have to live longerwith the consequences of current environmental decisions than will their elders. And another example in my village, whereis the rural village, Air Pollution in my villages is caused due to burning of agricultural wastes and straw, burning of firewood and dung cakes, and decomposition of crop wastes and animal wastes of the villagers and the villagers suffer frommany respiratory and eye diseases as they cook food by burning wood. This is the problem to increase concentration ofCO2 in the atmosphere contributes to the Global Warming. So if I join this event, it’s will be a great chance for me to knowmore about environment and how to solve the problems in my village and when I go back to my village, I will have a net