Previously, the videos were rated as scary or not by a group of 42 3rd grade students: 88% and 86% rated the exciting shark and bunny videos
as scary, while 36% and 21% rated the not exciting shark and bunny videos as scary. Teachers reported that in each of the eight showing of exciting videos, children closed their eyes, held each others hands, hid their eyes on the desk, gasped, and got out of their desks, while in the unexciting videos, the reactions were mostly laughter. All videos were on recommended lists for elementary school science viewing. Students saw a video with their choice of animal species but were randomly assigned to the exciting or non-exciting conditions.
Previously, the videos were rated as scary or not by a group of 42 3rd grade students: 88% and 86% rated the exciting shark and bunny videosas scary, while 36% and 21% rated the not exciting shark and bunny videos as scary. Teachers reported that in each of the eight showing of exciting videos, children closed their eyes, held each others hands, hid their eyes on the desk, gasped, and got out of their desks, while in the unexciting videos, the reactions were mostly laughter. All videos were on recommended lists for elementary school science viewing. Students saw a video with their choice of animal species but were randomly assigned to the exciting or non-exciting conditions.
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