Intention can be looked upon as ‘... a
psychological construct distinct from attitude
and it represents a person’s motivation to carry
out a behaviour’ (Eagly and Chaiken, 1993).
Intentions are generally good predictors of
behaviour. Fish bein and Manfredo (1992)
considered analysis of determinants of intention to perform behaviour often to be identical
to the analysis of the determinants of the
behaviour itself. Sheeran (2002) found in a
meta-study that the overall correlation
between intentions and behaviour was 0.53.
In marketing and consumer behaviour literature, intention is often used as a surrogate for
buying behaviour, choice and loyalty (Kozup
et al., 2003; Shaw and Shiu, 2003). In many
studies on food, attitudes are found to be the
most important predictor of intention to buy
that food (e.g. Poveyet al., 2001). We expect
that the relation between attitudes and intention in our study will be positive and