When Taec asked who the person Junho loves is, Junho covered Taec’s mouth with a hand
Junho keeps slapping Chan’s face lol
cr. @Sakurina_chan
When Taec and Chan kept teasing Junho about his solo he had to walk over and use his hand to cover their mouths
cr. @dimesaur
After Junho finished introducing his solo, Chansung wanted to ask Junho if he knows what being in love is like. However, Junho put his hand in front of Chan’s mouth and refused to let him speak. Chan then said, Say Yes is about falling in love, Hey You is about being in love… next is? …new album? uh? Junho then said, “I am going to do a tour, whether or not there will be an album, I have no idea.”
cr. kana via @ClubHottest
Junho kept on saying 우쭈쭈~ (Woojjujju~) to Chan and it’s so cute~! At first Chan just left it but the second time he said woojjujju with a good expression xD so cute >.<
cr. @nao70o via @nuneo2daKAY