Richard E. Walton (1974) explains quality of work life in terms of eight broad conditions of employment that constitute desirable quality of work life (QWL). He proposed the same criteria for measuring QWL. Those conditions/criteria include:
1) Adequate and fair compensation Does pay received completely meet determined standards of sufficiency or the recipient's subjective standard? Does pay received for certain work bear an appropriate relationship to pay received for other work (Walton, 1974)?
A number of participants stated that they believe that salary levels should be mandated: "There should be a uniform or consistent payment guideline for employers to follow for registered social employees.” Many employees feel they are not compensated fairly for their work (Antel, 2006).
2) Safe and healthy environment It is comprehensively accepted that employees should not be exposed to working conditions which can adversely affect their physical and mental health. Consequently, the results of